Personal Support for Expatriation

Moving to a new country is not always easy! Having answers to all our questions is invaluable! Consulting the right people will allow you to save precious time that you can dedicate to this new adventure! We will guide you through the most important decisions you will have to make when expatriating (choosing the ideal area to live, understanding the necessary procedures upon arrival, etc.). Contact us to get all the useful information for your expatriation.

Jessica & Andrea and Our Partners

We are a Franco-Italian couple, and through our blog, we share our passion, information, and support with French speakers from around the world who want to live, work, or invest in Italy. In 2023, we began building a network of professionals to assist our clients with their projects. To date, our network includes lawyers, accountants, insurers, brokers, real estate agencies, and administrative assistants. However, we need new profiles to cover the entire Italian territory!

Client Testimonials

Jessica brilliantly hosted a webinar on real estate purchases in Italy. She provided a comprehensive and detailed overview for those looking to acquire a primary or secondary residence. Her guide covered essential documents to prepare, common mistakes to avoid, and key steps for a successful acquisition. I highly recommend this for any real estate investor in Italy!

Real Estate Purchase Webinar in Italy

Pierre-avis Trustpilot 2023

Thanks to Jessica for her excellent advice! For several months, we have been planning to move to Italy for a year. Most of the information we found on our own was not very useful and often contradictory. As our departure was approaching, our doubts were increasing... Jessica helped us see things much more clearly, especially regarding the administrative procedures to follow, how to find a job locally, etc. Honestly, thank you so much. I highly recommend it!

The Perfect Boost to Realize Your Plan to Move to Italy!

Jean-Christophe-avis Trustpilot 2023

A great experience with Jessica! After an email exchange to identify my questions and the topics I wanted to discuss, we had a one-hour meeting where she provided practical information on various administrative topics (moving, finding housing, freelance status, taxes, healthcare system...), but most importantly, she gave me the feeling of having found an ally in my adventures, someone I can count on if I encounter any problems. And that is incredibly important in an expatriation project!

I Gained a Wealth of Information and Encouragement!

Léa-avis Trustpilot 2023

10 Things to Know Before Buying a House in Italy

10 Reasons Not to Live in Italy

How Much Does It Cost to Live in Italy?

Buying a House in Italy: Sanremo, Bordighera, Ospedaletti

Real estate in Italy

Buying house in Italy near sea

Buying house in Italy near the sea at an affordable price can be an...

Buying house in Liguria

Buying a house in Liguria? This region bathed by the sparkling waters of the...

Milan real estate : Buying an apartment in Milan

Real estate Milan: Buying an apartment in Milan, one of Italy's most dynamic and...


Comment acheter et vendre d’occasion en Italie

Le marché de l'occasion est en pleine explosion en Italie depuis plusieurs années et...

Le mode d’emploi pour ouvrir un compte bancaire en...

Comment ouvrir un compte bancaire en Italie? Quelles sont les meilleures banques en Italie?...

Le permis de conduire en Italie

Se déplacer en Italie dans les grandes villes est simple, mais pouvoir visiter ce...